
Frequently Asked Questions


  • Make an concise writing on max. of 250 words which describes about your research title, Proposed techniques and purpose of your study.
  • Avoid acronyms, and explain about the topic with specific terminology.
  • Importance of your research needed to be precise and constrained in word limit.

  • Keywords should be present as key concepts
  • Keywords should be a collective understanding of topic
  • Keywords should be a collective understanding of topic
  • Keywords limit to be 3-4
  • Use synonyms for Keywords
  • Reuse keywords related to abstract and concept

  • Use tool extension.rls and import the file in endnote for referencing
  • We cant able to import directly through MS- Word, since we need to type in relevant fields(Title, Authors, Year.,)

  • Make sure the topics is trend with all the required parts like existing research, scope, sample for references and methods
  • Topic to be descriptive, and interesting to the reader
  • Novel ideas which can develop from previous research

  • Choosing an topic that which has previous research it will an sufficient researchable area
  • Select the topic within your research area with collaborate with existing with your new innovative ideas

  • The original Writing without plagiarized
  • Choosing an Good research topic and study regarding existing ideas on same research
  • Follows the format of the journal which we need to submit your article
  • The article needs to solve a problem that is academically worth answering and has sufficient novelty in the area
  • Clear explanation need to be presented that why it is so in the introduction.
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